Resetting Orders
Order resetting is a powerful tool that can help with troubleshooting and resolving issues with assigning orders to a CFP (Cahoot Fulfillment Partner). Common scenarios for using order reset include correcting invalid addresses, resolving inventory availability problems, or updating missing Alias SKUs.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Navigate to the Sales Order page.
2. On Sales Order page, use the drop down next to the Create Shipping Label] button and select Reset Order.
3. Choose a Channel Latest Deliver By Date and click Reset Order.
Finding Backorders (NMF or Excluded)
1. Go to Orders > All Orders.
2. Filter the From Date.
3. Use the Order Status drop-down filter to either Excluded and/or No Match Found and click Go.
6. Reset each order one at a time by clicking into the Sales Order page to have Cahoot automatically assign the order to CFP (Cahoot Fulfillment Center).
Note: Bulk Order Reset is not available at this time. Submit a feature request if you would like this feature to be added.