Managing Seller Inventory
Cahoot tracks inventory in real-time as orders are processed so that you can monitor and replenish inventory in advance of stock-outs, which is important for all order types, but critical for Seller Fulfilled Prime SKUs.
Note: Cahoot does not update Inventory Qty Available to any sales channels.
Reminder: For Sellers utilizing Cahoot Shipping Software + Fulfillment Services, it is your responsibility to update the Cahoot Only Fulfilled setting, when needed, for your Cahoot SKUs in the network.
Note: This is an optional add-on module
Video Walkthrough
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Go to Inventory > Your Inventory.
Your Qty Available is real-time inventory available for each of the SKUs stored at your warehouse.
Qty Committed is the number of units actively assigned to orders for fulfillment (i.e. orders in Processing Order Status), but not yet Shipped.
Qty Back Ordered is the total number of units above and beyond your current Qty On Hand needed to fulfill all current Orders.
Qty On Hand is the total number of units in stock, which is equal to the Qty Available (units not yet committed to an order) PLUS Qty Committed (units already committed to an order).
Note: Inventory is Committed to an order at the time it is Received into Cahoot, and it is simultaneously deducted from Qty Available (because it is no longer available to be committed to new orders for the SKU). When the order is fulfilled (Shipped Order Status), the Qty Committed is decremented to zero.
2. When Qty Available reaches zero (0) units, orders for the SKU are added to the Back Orders Order Status, and can be found via Orders > Back Orders.
3. If a SKU is Back Ordered, Cahoot will not allow Orders containing this SKU to be shipped. First, inventory adjustments need to be made
4. Go to Inventory > Add Inventory Transaction.
5. Select a Transaction Type, then click Add New Item to search through your product catalog. Choose the items you want to update and click Select.
or Add Items in Bulk for the SKUs you want to update.
6. Update the Adjust Qty By values for each SKU.
7. Complete the inventory adjustment by clicking Submit Adjustments.
Note: SKUs fulfilled at your warehouse location may also be fulfilled by the Cahoot network. These SKUs can be set to ONLY be fulfilled as part of the Cahoot network; by default this is set to NO, so Cahoot will consider your warehouse inventory as well. However, if you are out of stock or do not want to fulfill the SKU yourself anymore, you can update this setting to force shipments from Cahoot warehouses instead.
To update the Cahoot Only Fulfilled setting for your Cahoot SKUs, navigate to [Products > All Products > [show filters] > Search your Cahoot SKU > select Edit]. Then, use the checkbox to enable or disable the Cahoot Only Fulfilled setting.
After updating the Cahoot Only Fulfilled setting, go to the Your Inventory with Partners grid to verify the Cahoot SKU is now set to Cahoot Only Fulfilled for all Available Locations.
Lastly, its a good idea to verify that your Cahoot SKUs are Live by going to the All Products grid and confirming the Open for Cahoot Fulfillment setting is set to Yes. If any of your Cahoot SKUs (that have available partner inventory) are set to No, please open a ticket with Cahoot Support to learn more.
IMPORTANT: Do not change any SKU or ASIN values for SKUs Cahoot has in stock without informing the Cahoot Support Team well in advance. It will break the SKU mapping and orders will not be recognized as fulfillable. Learn more about Creating and Managing Products and Alias SKUs.