Adding Carrier Insurance to Shipments
Shipping insurance is a service that most carriers offer that protects shippers against lost, stolen, or damaged packages.
You can add insurance to your shipments in Cahoot several different ways, including manually on the Create Label screen, at the SKU level in Package Manager (which will automatically add insurance to all new orders that contain the respective SKU), or at the carrier service-level, (which will automatically add insurance to all new orders that ship using that shipping service).
Step-by-Step Guide
Adding Insurance Manually:
1. Find an order and navigate to the Sales Order page and click the Create Shipping Label button.
2. You will find the insurance option in the Create Label form. Add the insurance value and create the shipping label.
Automate Insurance by SKU:
1. Go to Products > All Products (or use the SKUs Missing Package Data section on the Cahoot Dashboard). Click Add Package Data or Edit Package Data in the Action column depending on the Package Data status of the SKU.
Note: When adding insurance at the SKU-level, Cahoot will add the desired insurance to the shipping labels created automatically for all new orders that contain this SKU. Cahoot will not add insurance to existing shipping labels created before the insurance option was configured. Labels will have to be voided and re-created if insurance needs to be added to a shipping label already created without it.
2. In the Package Data pop up, click Additional Options.
3. The "Additional Options" will display the fields for adding Delivery Confirmation and Insurance. Add your declared insurance value for this SKU and click Save.
Automate Insurance by Carrier Services:
1. Go to Settings and select the Label Settings tab. Here you will see the Carrier services that you have added/enabled. Find the desired carrier service and select Edit.
2. On the Edit Shipping Label Settings pop up, you can add the Insured Value and click Save. This will add insurance for all of your orders that use this carrier and service going forward. Again, labels created in the past will not include this insurance unless it was intentionally added manually at the time of label creation.