Account Configuration and Settings
Configure carrier services, fulfillment cutoff times, packing slips, and several other Settings using the following instructions.
Use the following sections for guidance:
Video Walkthrough
Step-by-Step Guide
General Information
1. Navigate to Settings.
2. Confirm your contact information and warehouse address on the General Info tab.
Note: Please review the general information tab to make sure everything is correct. You must reach out to the Cahoot Support Team if you need to edit any of this information.
Configure Carriers and Services
1. Connect your carrier accounts to Cahoot by using the Credentials tab. Next to Account Name, select the Carrier Account you are configuring (i.e., FedEx, UPS, USPS, DHL, OSM, etc.). You only need to enter information in the top four fields. Validate the connection using the Test Rate Calculation button on the bottom of the page and then click Save.
2. Use the Supported Carrier Services tab to select the shipping services you support for each carrier. Leave them deselected if you never use them.
3. Set your Carrier Pickup Times and Same-Day Cutoff Times on each respective tab. These settings will help with timings and counters in Cahoot which help with organization and prioritization. Cutoff Time is the time Cahoot will use to assign Ship By Date. For example, a 2pm cutoff will assign all orders imported into Cahoot before 2pm to be assigned same-day shipping, and any order imported after 2pm will be assigned to ship the next operating day. This also controls the Auto-Label Creation cutoff time, that is, orders imported after 2pm will not have labels automatically created until the next operating day. Future ship date orders can always be processed early; find them on the Print and Ship My Orders page using the "Tomorrow" Ship By filter.
Label Settings and Test Labels
1. The Label Settings tab allows you to add insurance or delivery confirmation based on the carrier service level, NOT the SKU level. This is optional and not common.
2. Customize your packing slips on the Packing Slip tab. You can also enable the use of Label Batches and set your Default Sort Order for Pick Lists, Packing Slips, and your Print and Ship My Orders page.
3. Print test shipping labels on the View Test Labels tab to confirm that your printer(s) are configured properly and that you can print shipping labels from a Chrome browser window.