Connect an Amazon Store
In order to connect your Amazon Store, please authorize the Cahoot app in Seller Central Appstore and submit your Amazon Merchant ID in our secure form. Cahoot Support will confirm when the configuration is complete. If you haven't already submitted your Cahoot Getting Started details, please do so first:
Cahoot Getting Started Webform
The following 2 pieces of information are required in the form:
- Warehouse Address
- Amazon Seller ID
The following instructions will help you capture the necessary credentials.
Step by Step Guide
Authorize Cahoot App
1. Sign-in to your Amazon Seller Central Account.
2. Navigate to the Cahoot App In the Marketplace Appstore and click Authorize Now.
3. Click the checkbox to authorize the Cahoot app and click Sign up / Login to Cahoot.
4. Once the Cahoot App has been installed you will receive the following success message. Follow the Installation Instructions displayed on the success message page: