Creating USPS End of Day SCAN Forms
USPS requires a shipping manifest that lists all the shipments for that day. Carriers may refer to this as a SCAN form, End of Day (EOD) form, or shipping manifest. Follow these steps to create and print a USPS SCAN Form in Cahoot.
Note: USPS Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN) forms are REQUIRED to be completed every business day. Please print the form and provide it to the USPS carrier BEFORE they leave your facility with all their packages for the day (not after).
Video Walkthrough
Step-by-Step Guide
1. You can find your USPS EOD SCAN Form using the top navigation: Reports > End of Day Form (USPS)
2. Before you can print your scan form, you will need to select Close Shipments. This means there are no new expected shipments for today.
Note: If new shipments are processed after the form is Closed, you'll see a separate EOD form for those new shipments, which you will also need to Close. This will generate a second EOD form with those additional orders.
Important: USPS shipments can't be closed after their ship date has passed. You must Close Shipments on the same day that shipping labels are created. We recommend closing the EOD each day by 9pm local time.
3. Once the Shipments have been Closed, you can Print the EOD form. If you have multiple EOD forms, don't forget to Print each one.
4. Finally, hand all USPS EOD Forms to the USPS driver when they come to pick up the shipments. Make sure the package count picked up matches the count on the EOD Form.