Search, Sort and Filter Cahoot Grids
Learn how to find (search, sort and filter) orders, products, and inventory for easy management of workflows and tasks. Customize grid views, organize their display, and use all the available filters to create lists, export custom reports, and more.
There are 2 types of grids (aka data tables) in Cahoot: full access grids, and partial access grids. Nearly all grids are full access and allow you to add and remove columns, drag and rearrange columns, sort ascending/descending, and filter columns by field value using operators like 'equal to', 'greater than', 'is null', etc. All the Orders grids, however, in the Orders top nav menu, are partial access grids, which allow you to add and remove columns, drag and rearrange columns, but don't support the sort and filter functionality. All orders can be addressed as 'full access' by using the Download Sales Orders Report and analyzing the data in Excel. Grid pages also have different search and filter options depending on the type of data being analyzed.
Video Walkthrough: Full Access Grids
Step-by-Step Guide: Full Access Grids
Full Access Grid Example: All Products page
1. Use the Top Filters to search the database.
2. Add or Remove Columns by selecting the three dots from any column header and choose the columns you want displayed.
3. Filter the grid by selecting the three dots from any column header, choose the Filter option, and enter up to two values using the operators available, and join them using the AND or OR condition.
4. Sort ascending or descending by clicking the column header or by selecting the 3 dots on the column to be sorted and click one of the sort options. In this screenshot, the user clicked the ASIN column header so an 'up' arrow is displayed indicating the column is sorted ascending, and the Sort Ascending option is highlighted yellow in the side nav window.
Step-by-Step Guide: Partial Access Grids
Partial Access Grid Example: All Orders page
1. Use the Top Filters to search.
2. Add or Remove Columns by selecting the three dots from any column header and choose the columns you want displayed. Notice there is no Filter option like in the Full Access example above.
Note: When using the Shipped and Label Ready grids, make sure you're viewing the correct data on either the Your Shipments tab (Seller-fulfilled orders) or the Partner Shipments tab (Cahoot-fulfilled orders).