How to Weigh and Measure Products
This article covers how to Weigh and Measure products as part of Inbound Receiving. It's important that all products received from Cahoot are properly Weighed and Measured so that all the technologies that work together to select the best packaging and keep shipping cost down work properly.
Tools: You will need a tape measure and a scale.
Video Walkthrough
Step-by-Step Guide
Measuring Length, Width, and Height:
1. Using the tape measure, you will first measure the length, which is measured using the longest side of the product.
2. Rotate the product to its shortest side to measure the width.
3. Measure the height of the product. This is the measurement of the product from the bottom-most surface to the top-most surface.
Weighing Products on a Scale:
1. Before weighing each product on a scale, make sure that it’s tared properly and the scale reads zero so measurements are accurate.
2. Be sure to center the item(s) being placed on the scale to avoid inaccurate weights.
EXAMPLE: This unit weighs 1 pound 12 ounces, which is 1.75 lbs. It is NOT 1.12 lbs. (Note the colon between the numbers, not a decimal).
Measuring Items in Blister Packs:
1. Measure length along the longest side of the package.
2. Measure width along the shortest side of the package.
3. For height, lay the package flat. Measure from the bottom-most surface to the top-most surface.
Measuring Irregularly Shaped Items (Ex. a lampshade):
1. To measure length and width, flip the lampshade upside down and measure across the middle of the base to get the diameter of the product.
2. The height will be measured from the surface of the table to the highest point on the product, (while lampshade is still flipped upside down and resting on its smaller end).
3. To get the weight of an irregularly shaped item, for example, one without a “middle”, you might have to add a larger “base” to the scale, re-tare it with the "base", and set the item on the "base".
Measuring Oblong Items:
1. Measure across the center of the longest part of the product.
2. The width will be measured along the middle of the widest part of the short side of the product.
3. The height will be measured from the surface of the table to the highest point on the product.