Connect an eBay Store
To connect your eBay account, please submit your eBay API Credentials using the eBay Integration Form and Cahoot Support will let you know when the configuration is complete:
The following information is required, and the steps below demonstrate how to collect these credentials:
- PayPal Email
- eBay Auth Token
- App ID
- User Token
Step-by-Step Guide
PayPal Email
1. Enter your PayPal Email address into the eBay Integration Form.
App ID
2. Log in to eBay Developer Account. On the top navigation click Application access keys under your account.
3. Click Create a Keyset and enter the Application Title as Cahoot.
4. Fill out the required information and click Continue to Create Keys.
5. App ID will be created as a part of your keyset. Copy App Id into the eBay Integration Form.
eBay Auth Token
6. On the same page, click User Tokens.
7. Make sure you select Auth'n'Auth and click Sign in to Production.
8. Fill out additional information and click Sign into eBay to get a Token.
9. Click Agree to finish the process.
10. Copy your eBay Auth Token into the Cahoot eBay Integration Form along with the remainder of the required fields and click Submit.
11. Under the Alerts & Notifications tab, ensure Marketplace Account Deletion is set to Exempted from Marketplace Account Deletion.
12. Lastly, please notify Cahoot Support when your form is submitted so we can begin processing your request as soon as possible. You will then receive confirmation when the configuration is complete, and when your Cahoot account is ready to start supporting orders from eBay. Note that Cahoot will continue to import Amazon orders directly from Amazon if that channel is enabled in your Cahoot account.