Connect a Shopify Store
To connect your Shopify account, start by installing the Cahoot app from the Shopify App Store, then submit your unique Shopify Store Name and Location ID using the Shopify Integration Form:
The following instructions will demonstrate how to install the Cahoot App and find your Location ID so we can start importing Shopify orders into your Cahoot account.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Install the Free Cahoot App in the Shopify App Store.
2. Click the blue link to go to the Application Preferences page to finish the setup.
3. Select the Initial Order Date and click Save Preferences to start importing orders into your new Cahoot account.
4. Next, to find your Shopify Location ID go to [Settings > Locations > Select the desired location]. The Location ID will be in the URL of the page as shown below.
Note: In Shopify, a location is a physical place or an app where you do any or all of the following activities: sell products, ship or fulfill orders, and stock inventory.
5. Fill out the short Shopify Integration Form to submit your unique Shopify Store Name that looks like: along with your Shopify Location ID.
6. Lastly, please notify Cahoot Support when your form is submitted as we don't get automatic notification. You will then receive confirmation when the configuration is complete, and thus, when your Cahoot account is ready to start supporting orders from Shopify.
- Cahoot will continue to import Amazon orders directly from Amazon if that channel is enabled in your Cahoot account.
- If we do not receive your Shopify Location ID, then fulfilled orders will not get updated to "Shipped" status in Shopify.