Connect a Rithum Account
To connect your ChannelAdvisor account, please submit your ChannelAdvisor API Credentials using the ChannelAdvisor Integration Form and Cahoot Support will let you know when the configuration is complete:
ChannelAdvisor Integration Form
The following 3 pieces of information are required:
- Refresh Token
- Application ID
- Shared Secret
If you don't have your credentials readily available, the following instructions will help you capture them:
Step-by-Step Guide
1. If you don't already have one, start by creating a ChannelAdvisor Developer Account using the following link, otherwise, skip to Step 2 and login to your ChannelAdvisor Developer Account:
2. Log in to your Developer Account using your Developer Key and Password.
Note: This will NOT be the same as your ChannelAdvisor login credentials
3. Select Create New Application.
4. In the popup, set the name as Cahoot. The other fields can be left blank.
5. On the right side of the Developer Console / Your Applications page, select Add Integration and Request Tokens.
6. If you are not already logged into your ChannelAdvisor account, you will now be prompted to log in.
7. Make sure Cahoot is selected, then click Grant Access.
8. Copy the Refresh Token into the Cahoot ChannelAdvisor Integration Form and then select View All Integrations.
9. Next, copy the Application ID and Shared Secret values into the ChannelAdvisor Integration Form, then add the remainder of the required fields and click Submit.
10. Lastly, please notify Cahoot Support when your form is submitted as we don't get automatic notification. You will then receive confirmation when the configuration is complete, and thus, when your Cahoot account is ready to start supporting orders from ChannelAdvisor. Note that Cahoot will continue to import Amazon orders directly from Amazon if that channel is enabled in your Cahoot account.