Inventory Tracking and Adjustments for Packaging
Just like Inventory Adjustments and Tracking, manage Packaging Inventory at your warehouse by creating Inventory Transactions (Adjustments).
Step-by-Step Guide - Adjusting Packaging Inventory
1. Log in to Cahoot. To adjust Packaging at your Warehouse, log into that Cahoot account.
2. Go to Inventory > Add Packaging Inventory.
3. Select Packaging Receipt transaction type, then click Add New Packaging to search through your Packaging. Choose the Packaging you want to update and click Select.
4. Update the Adjust Qty By values for each Packaging.
Note: Adjustments can be positive or negative, but cannot go below 0.
5. Complete the adjustment by clicking Submit Adjustments.
Step-by-Step Guide - Tracking Adjustments
1. Log in to Cahoot.
2. Go to Inventory > Inventory Transactions.
3. Here you can see all the recent Product and Packaging Adjustment Transactions, as well as adding new Packaging or Item transactions
4. Clicking on a Transaction # shows the details of the transaction; which Items or Packaging were adjusted, when, and by whom.