Creating New Custom Packaging & Shipping Supplies
Create your custom packaging (branded or unbranded boxes, mailers, etc.) for quick selection in dropdown menus, for configuring Package Data, and for tracking utilization and reorder points. Likewise, create shipping supplies that should be used by the fulfillment team to ship and deliver an order safely, (e.g. air cushions, bubble wrap, tissue paper). Add the supplies to a SKU's Package Data and they will be displayed at various points throughout the fulfillment workflow to ensure they're not forgotten.
Video Walkthrough
Step by Step Guide
Cahoot supports several types of Packaging:
- Boxes
- Mailers (including bubble mailers and polyethylene "poly" mailers)
- Supplies
1. To create Custom Packaging, go to Settings > Package Manager tab.
2. Click Add New.
3. Select Packaging Type.
4. Name the packaging.
5. Enter the Packaging Dimensions (Length, Width, and Height), and select the Length Units.
6. If you wish for Cahoot to consider this packaging for use by the 3D Cartonization Tool, click the Use for MLMQ Automation checkbox (stands for Multi-line/Multi-quantity and refers to orders that contain more than a single line and single unit).
7. If you wish for Cahoot to track Package Quantity, use the Quantity Adjustment box to enter a quantity to add or remove from the existing quantity on hand.
8. Click Save and check your work on the Package Manager tab for accuracy.
Boxes are rigid rectangular shipping devices; SKUs using boxes as part of their Package
Data will use the Box's Dimensions to calculate shipping rates
Mailers are flexible shipping devices. When Package Data is configured using a Mailer, Cahoot will use the Product's Dimensions to calculate shipping rates, not the Mailer dimensions.
Certain products require additional Supplies to ship safely such as packing peanuts, bubble wrap, or other forms of dunnage.