Addressing Non-Compliant Inbounds
Non-compliant Inbounds have one or more issues and require corrective action before SKUs can be made available for fulfillment. This article covers the different ways an Inbound could be non-Compliant.
Inbounds/SKUs that fall into any of the conditions below should be set aside to be addressed separately later, while the remainder of the inbound is received. After the “good” portion of the inbound is received, please notify Cahoot via Conversations within the Inbound ID that all the “good” SKUs are completed, and use the CFP Actions guidance below for help resolving each condition:
IMPORTANT: All communication with Cahoot about any of the conditions below should be done by sending a message via Conversations within the Inbound ID, please DO NOT create a Support ticket unless instructed to do so. You will receive a reply via Conversations and a copy of the message will be sent to the email address used to log into your Cahoot account.
Unknown or Unexpected SKU: SKUs that are not listed on the Inbound ID.
CFP Action: Please send pictures of the product(s) with barcodes visible and any additional relevant information such as quantity received, any labels, descriptions or markings that will help the Seller identify what product(s) they are.
Wrong Quantities: Items received with too few or too many units compared to the quantity expected will require extra counting (and possibly recounting) to confirm actual quantities received.
CFP Action: Only if the quantities are grossly different than expected, please recount 3 times and enter the quantity received. Notify Cahoot that you’ve already counted 3 times and that you confirm without question that the numbers entered are accurate. Otherwise, simply enter the quantities received and complete the inbound by clicking “No More Items to Receive” in the Other Actions dropdown.
Bad barcodes (unscannable, missing, or incorrect): Items that do not have barcodes or have barcodes that are unscannable should be set aside. Items that have multiple different barcodes need to either have all barcodes configured in Cahoot as Additional Barcodes (though Cahoot currently only supports 2 barcodes per SKU), or the extra barcodes must be removed or otherwise defaced.
CFP Action: Please send pictures of the product(s) with barcodes visible (if available) and a description of the problem: missing, unscannable, multiple, other.
Improperly Prepared Inventory: Some examples are liquids not properly sealed in secondary packaging (baggies), or apparel items not individually packaged into plastic poly bags. See the full list here.
CFP Action: Please send pictures of the product(s) with barcodes visible (if available) and a description of the problem: not properly bagged/boxed, other.
Damaged Packaging (Minor): Parcels or Pallets that are delivered with notable damages on the outside suggest that there may be damaged merchandise inside.
CFP Action: Before the driver leaves your facility, please document the damages observed on the BOL (for pallets), sign it and take a picture to be attached to the Inbound as “Signed BOL”. This is extremely important to ensure that the damages are not attributed to you or to Cahoot. Please attach extra pictures of the pallets or parcels to the Inbound, including the damages observed. Notify Cahoot.
Damaged Packaging (Major): Parcels or Pallets that are delivered with extensive damages on the outside, sometimes with obvious damage to contents such as leaking fluids, broken glass, etc.
CFP Action: Before the driver leaves your facility, please document the damages observed on the BOL (for pallets), sign it and take a picture to be attached to the Inbound as “Signed BOL”. This is extremely important to ensure that the damages are not attributed to you or to Cahoot. Please attach extra pictures of the pallets or parcels to the Inbound, including the damages observed. Notify Cahoot.
Damaged Inventory (Units): Items that are identified as damaged, leaking, or otherwise observed to not be in New condition during receiving. This may or may not be after sharing pictures of damaged pallets or parcels observed upon delivery.
CFP Action: Please send pictures of the product(s) with barcodes visible (if available), the list of barcodes that sustained damages, and a description of the problem. For our purposes, “damages” refers to any blemishes/marks/scratches that render the unit(s) to appear less than New conditions, including damages to retail packaging.
Missing, Hidden, or Incorrect Inbound ID and/or Carton Label: All inbounds must be labeled with the correct Cahoot Inbound ID. Pallets should reference Inbound ID on the BOL and all pallets should have a BOL affixed to it. All cartons in a parcel inbound should likewise have the Inbound ID printed or stickered on each of them. When multiple SKUs are shipped together in shared cartons, they must have a Cahoot Carton Label affixed displaying Cahoot Inbound ID, Box Count (if applicable, such as Box 1 of 2, Box 2 of 2), the Barcode of each item inside the carton, and the Quantity of each item inside the carton.
CFP Action: If you cannot easily identify which inbound the delivery corresponds to, please set it aside and Notify Cahoot by Support Ticket. If a Carton Label is not affixed to (or the content listed above is not handwritten on) the outside of a carton, OR if the contents of a mixed carton do not match the Carton Label (or written info), please Notify Cahoot and share some pictures of the outside of the shipment (shipping label, BOL, stickers, writing, etc.) as well as some of the products and corresponding barcodes.
NOTE 1: SKUs within mixed cartons should be segregated from one another, rather than lumped together in a box, to avoid having to sort the contents before counting and receiving. For example, envelopes, smaller boxes or similar separative methods should be used to enable you to quickly count each SKU in its entirety during receiving. If this is not the case, please Notify Cahoot and share pictures of the inside of cartons.
NOTE 2: SKUs inside mixed contents should match the Carton Label (or other labeling on the outside of the carton). If they do not, please Notify Cahoot and share pictures of the Carton Label along with pictures of some of the carton’s contents.
Unexpected Deliveries: Any delivery that cannot be clearly identified as corresponding to a specific Inbound ID but there is reason to believe the shipment belongs to a Cahoot Seller.
CFP Action: If there is reason to believe the shipment belongs to a Cahoot Seller, please accept the delivery and Notify Cahoot. Please Create a Support ticket and share some pictures of the outside of the shipment (shipping label, BOL, stickers, writing, etc.) as well as some of the products and corresponding barcodes.
Inbounds from Amazon FBA
From time to time, inventory will come from FBA. It will likely be delivered across days or weeks, likely coming from several DCs, without logical organization, and will take more time to receive. We try to avoid accepting these shipments wherever possible, but sometimes it cannot be avoided. In these cases, please make sure to invoice Cahoot for all your time spent on these inbounds. Amazon does NOT label the shipment with the Cahoot Inbound ID, which may make it more difficult to attribute to an Inbound, but please try your best, and if it’s not quickly identified, please set the shipment aside and Notify Cahoot. Please share some pictures of the outside of the shipment (shipping label, BOL, stickers, writing, etc.) as well as some of the products and corresponding barcodes.
REMINDER: Inbounds that fall into any of these categories should be set aside for receiving separately as time permits. The Inbounds Team will reach out with details and next steps after the remainder of the Inbound goes Live.